Saturday, May 30, 2009

1 in 3 Fart and Laugh Posts Are Worth Reading

(new author)

Last year was my first year at UofM, and there's a crazy amount of pressure to actually pick a major. I have finally decided what I want to study: statistics.

A lot of people say that stuff like statistics and marketing is a cop out. Its what people do when they have no real desires. Don't think that. I know what I want. I've spent many sleepless nights thinking about this issue.

See, I know what you're thinking, because I read the minds of readers (I'm a reader mind reader). You are thinking "Luke, its not that serious, its just statistics". See, that's where you're wrong, statistics are the leading cause of depression in the nation. Yeah, how's that for a serious statistic?.

7 in 10 statistics are made up on the spot.
Didn't know that, did you? I made it up.

All this depression gives statisticians a bad name. When have you ever heard a happy statistic? You never hear somebody say "reading blogs increases intelligence by 18 percent" its always something like "15 percent of America's time is wasted reading blogs per day". That's depressing. In the midst of an economic crisis, you are reading this you are wasting America's time. Some statistician is out there gettin' paid to tell you depressing stats. Its messed up, the whole system is just corrupt. What does statistics do to make people happy? Nothing.

I will right these wrongs, integrity will be restored to the profession of statistics. Statisticians will be more sought after then doctors once I am in the game.

1 in 10 men die of testicular cancer.
Lance Armstrong screwed somebody over.

But it doesn't have to be that way. No sir. Once I'm in the stats game, I'm gonna be spewing happy statistics all over the place. I want to come up with statistics that make people laugh, stuff that people hear and go "man, my life has improved since learning that information".

But what kind of stats will make people happy? That was my biggest dilemma. Until I got to thinking, Marcus is right, farts really are the solution to everything.

How many people fart a day? At any given moment, is there somebody on the planet farting? What is the machine gun fart to wet fart ratio (aka the brown ratio)? I do not know the answers to these questions. But when I do, it will make you happy.

8.5/10 people try to compress their sneezes.
Now, stats like these confuse me. Did only one half of a conjoined twin participate or what?
As a statistician, I won't be cutting anybody in half.

One stat you can be sure of though: Fart and Laugh will double its fan base within a week of me jumping on board.

Thanks for reading.


Friday, May 29, 2009

5 Words White People Over Use! (From a Black Man's Perspective)

5. Golf

4. Tan ( I think my noticing this word may be a bit bias)

3. What's up! [usually followed by brother, brotha, dude, or bro]

2. AWESOME! Some hand-gesture usually accompanies!

1. Sure

"sure, yep..." HAHAHAHA I love white folks...

Do y'all [they] even realize how much y'all say that... I just could not find great video examples b/c I'm trying to pass out before 6 A.M. today. If @elzee was less busy we could make the vids...

Did I really need to put that video up, just listen for it in your next conversation.

p.s. pass out*

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Interracial Squirrels

My brother is a rising sophomore at MSU (Michigan State University) and alerted me about something strange, he's noticed about his campus. The Black squirrels have brown tails, and the brown ones, black tails. The wildest one I've heard of is a black squirrel with a raccoon tail, what the hell is that about?!?

This is driving him crazy because he can't believe what it implies. The brown squirrels and the black squirrels are getting down! That's pretty funny to me so I thought I'd share it and advise you all to do the same!

If you a black squirrel, get you a brown nut!

and vice versa...

This is real. If you don't believe me, eat a snickers in East Lansing!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Respect You!

I know a lot of people have heard that a lot of nude pictures have surfaced the net and twitter.

FART n LAUGH will not be posting these pictures to get more hits for our blog or whatever.

I think this celebrity women are the victims of computer predators. I will not support it. And, we will not objectify women's bodies with this nonsense. I hope the blogging community stops this trend. What if someone actually thought you were important, and hacked your computer to put intimate photos of you on the net.

"It's hard to meet someone when you've already seen their vagina." -Russell Brand

Stop posting other people's business!

If you must post pictures of two people right before they get in bed, let them be Mormon

Nude Cassie, Rhianna, JLo, and Mariah?... nah


I Added Another Author

He is about to make his inaugural post!
You know, I just could not handle the millions of groupies myself welcome @mikeevee!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I broke the 'L" Key on my comp and haven't been blogging because of it


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hit Me Up On Aim, I Love to Chat


Who's Better Than 'Mike'...

It's becoming ridiculous.

Not that ridiculous, but does it matter that much?
Or this much?

AKA: "This Many!" AKA: NOT AT ALL!

"Bron, look at that legacy man. It's life's essence." "I already know bro, that's why I picked his number (23). I want to be him." "I want to be one better. That's why I picked his number, plus one (Take a shot in the dark)."

"I'm a dog! I wake up and chase the paper boy." And, slobber with my mouth open.

"[I will probably] need a foot doctor." I Don't really care who's better than Jordan, I just know it won't be this tool.

To be honest, I thought the 'Superman' get-up was bit of a stretch.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg

" I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too!" - Mitch Himself


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Are you kidding me? ...

Apparently the owner of the Nuggets booked WWE Raw tonight at the end of the season expecting the Nuggets to be eliminated by now. They are scheduled to start at 8:30, the game is scheduled to start at 7:00. True, the owner is a jackass, but seriously? I think that the wrestling event can relocate to another venue. The WWE should sue the Nuggets owner for breach contract though too, for the money it will lose tonight.

However, Vince McMahon needs to know his place on this one. The Wrestling Actors Guild needs to let the Denver Nuggets play in their stadium, simple as that. Who would have thought that the Nuggest would be out the first round? I didn't, they never are. But what I do is that John Cena and those other characters just sit ringside on this one. It is not that big of a deal. K-Mart and Chauncey could probably whoop on Big Daddy V (seen above) anyway. It's not like he really knows how to fight or can actually move. If He can move I know it must register on the Richter at 6'6'' and 500 lbs. That's a lot of man and even more pig. That's why I don't eat Hog Mogs.

I'm excited for this year's NBA Final because of Kobe and Lebron. Everyone knows Kobe and Lebron. No one can say for sure who is better, because they have never battled out on the ultimate stage. However, it will be exciting to see how Kobe settles in an arena a short drive away from the spa where he was accused of raping 19 year-old, Katelyn Faber.

Remember Me? No? Oh, well that's too bad, because I'm famous for lying about being raped by Kobe Bryant. (Psss... "He's big, black, rich, strong, and married.")

Anyways, whoever wins their respective Conference Final and then wins the NBA championship, is clearly better than Michael Jordan. That's what this is all about, nothing else. Who is better than Jordan, Kobe or Lebron. Not who can fake kick some over-sized actor's arse. WWE get out the way, wrestle in some Middle School's playground, that's where all your fans will be anyway.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Drunk Aussie vs. Shark!

When I was first heard about this story my friend started by saying,"Did you hear about that drunk Aussie?" I knew it was going to be bad! Aussies + Alcoholic Beverage =

Or Something like that... But, you get what I'm saying. Australians should not be able to drink, their natural BAC is about .02! After they drink who knows what they are capable of? I do.

Australians can hop in the OCEAN drunk, and beat a shark to death. Nuts? Right? I am not scared of much, but I just usually don't pick fights with sharks. They're legit scrappers, they're one of those animals in the "You will never find me in a Petting Zoo"-category.

I stand corrected. He must be Australian.

The point is, one of the most ferocious beings on earth, a shark, was beat to death by a drunk Australian. I would never fight a shark, would you? If I find out the shark he killed was one of those little ones you keep in your crib I will turn from scared of Australia to pissed at Australia. If you must take your belligerence to fist-a-cups (who actually says that), Fight a great white, not a little tan. Damnit!

And, start drinkin better beer Australia, right now the good beer from your country is like the Natty Ice of ours (America).

Sorry I hadn't blogged in a while I was learning how to be funny in Chicago... (soon be my new home)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Look what I Found, Classic! (yea, that's Stephen Colbert)

I thought this was pretty funny..... "Don't Touch My SauerKraut"


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pilot's License Revoked [check!] Get Some Head While Flying, First [check!]

This pilot Got head on a helicopter. Is that dope to you? I like it. I think that this pilot went out like a G. How would you want to retire from flying choppers, by getting some face while passing the faces of Mt. Rushmore.

Congrats idiot [David Martz]! On losing your job for something none of us haters have ever done, but would love to do!

I hate when people do that to pictures, it's annoying when it's unnecessary..


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gucci Mane Signs Record Deal with Warner Bros. Records

It's interesting that Gucci Mane has made my blog twice, BECAUSE IT'S GUCCI MANE. I'm not saying he is bad at mumbling about "trap-life" rhythmically, it's just that he mumbles about "trap-life" rhythmically. That normally would not be my flavor, but after I saw this article on one of my personal favorite political blogs I had to add my $3 and some change.

Tree Fiddy [$3.50] to be precise...

Anyway, as I was writing, Gucci "the Modern Minstrel Show" Mane recently signed a recording contract with Warner Brothers Records. Could a deal get any more perfect!?!?

I love Gucci Mane, to an extent, but he reminds me of a comic book/cartoon character. He's like a villain in Batman or something... He would be like the Joker's half brother "The Joke!"

Damn, We're all late: Who Framed Rodrick Davis...
(i hate to say this about my own writing but, LMAO!!!)

Ok, so he is Rodrick Davis, aka himself, and has already recorded a feature film. Gucci Mane is almost set now. His only problem with his new label will be his "perpin*" cahins. How can you be signed to Warner Bros and rock a Bart Simpson chain? He clearly is on FOX! Gucci, I know you in East Atlanta (A-Lan-Na) but network beef is different. Now we are talking Jewish Gangstas; really, really rich Jews.

i.e. D-Blocks very own: Bernie Madoff!

Gucci, for your own safety stick to the WB brand characters since you are now signed to Warner Bros. It shouldn't be hard, you have a head start....

Odie works bro, Odie works...

*to perp-v.- to cross rep or wear two competing brands (i.e. Fox and WB).


A Thing to Add to the "Detroit is the Butt of Jokes Photo Blog. [5/1/09]"

Meet our new mayor.....

Former Detroit Pistons point guard, Dave Bing. DEEEEEE-TROIT BA-SKET-BALL!!!!

Detroit deserves to be the butt of jokes sometimes...

Monday, May 11, 2009

"Super" Mario. It's Deeper than Wii

I have a question, just jump til your head hits the box with the question mark on it, the screen will show you...

Stereotypes rule our lives, especially if you live in America. In America we're forced fed stereotypical occurrences repeatedly. This is usually via the NBA, NASCAR, graduate-level math classes, college in general, the PGA tour, Idaho, John McCain, rallies etc...

One of the most classic engines of Stereotype is the Super Mario Game Series.

Starting with the main character, Super Mario. He's a fat, Italian plumber. How many of those do you know? And how many are named Mario with a brother named Luigi skinny enough to snake pipes with his own damn body? NOBODY! It's just fiction that is very very possible, especially if you live in Queens.

The second generalization about the world in that game is very real though. Every time I ate a
mushroom I felt like I doubled in size instantly, and started killing really big turtles... If it was the right species of fungus.


But, if Domino's gets my pizza topping right for a change, you bet your arse I'm huge, turtles fly, and gold coins float around for my grabbing... Only thing missing is the police.

I just love that the guys who drew up this game got rich instead of going to a really extensive rehab. I don't know which was better for them. The former probably was an economic stimulus for my city, Detroit; but, we won't go there. I just wish there was a disclaimer on the cover of this game because I ate a feather and jumped off a short building and just fell. I cannot find Bowser, I thought I saw him at the zoo but it was just my friends dad that is fat and emo. I have trouble finding dinosaurs to be my Yoshi, and I really have struggled finding a fat guy who would wear the same outfit as me, just red! Assume I'm skinny and played the part of Luigi.

Where are the black dudes in this drug flick? (that was my question, I'm just loquacious and shit)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Photo Blog! Get in My Belly!

Fat Bastard sure looks small when no regular human is around for him to be compared to.

They must be doing his public weight count in tons!*

Look how small he looks next to his bath tub!

How lucky is that dude on the ground that the dude in the air is not Fat Bastard! And, just Nacho Libre!

"No One wants me the wrestla!" I got me own little-to-no-action figure! (check the armpits)

*Correction, metric tons, he's Scottish.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Manny Being Manny !!!

Manny Ramirez-positive test-duh!!!

Major Leaguer hops up the wall to give a fan a hand-clap, he's on drugs.

Major Leaguer turns down 45-million for two years in a recession, he's probably on drugs.

Major Leaguer acts an ass on a team in which he is the fan-favorite on, and a winner of two World Series,' might be on drugs.

Major Leaguer wears 'Dreads,' and baggy pants, he's at least smoking weed.

Major Leaguer is this blog's author, Marcus Alexander's, Favorite Player; point proven!

I love Manny, but Manny has issues, for that, my Conseco-radar has always been on spin. But, for those who don't know the whole story, or the story at all (because who cares about Baseball?) Manny tested positive for H.C.G.-a testosterone booster often prescribed to men with fertility problems.

I'm not tripping though, but I wish he wasn't on my fantasy team! (for those of you who give a damn.)

I dont think this is a big deal. Manny has never failed a drug test before, and won't fail another. I just wish 'Bud' Selig would allow 'Bud,' it's currently a banned substance. It's like a relative. Manny received a 50-game suspension.

Who cares?


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kiss My Ass, I'm On Vacation! part 2!

I'm Gone [deep sea] fishin. I'll blog upon return or on the beach!

Monday, May 4, 2009

This Idiot... "From My Hood!"

Ok, so on the warm weekends I sit outside on the porch. My whole city does, even the people with skin cancer. So this weekend, while I was wasting away on the porch in my hood, I was having a discussion with one of my grandma's neighbors. The topic was one of the usual ones in the D, "How America is Racist!" haha. This one was a classic.

So, this kid was one of those kids that thinks he's a genius, and gets all intellectual about shit that is not that deep (i.e. a 4 foot pool's percentage of chlorine).

But, I just wished the kid hadn't gotten on my porch this weekend because he wanted to talk about something he had no clue about! He wanted to talk about "Things the government makes black people see repeatedly to remind us that we are not white!" Is it bad that I laughed at that? Because I did, primarily because I know I'm black. And if I ever forgot I would just walk past the police station or watch the NBA Playoffs/NASCAR! Frankly, I did not see relevance in his rant.

Somehow he began to talk about different people we are forced to see in the national media, that clearly did not care about black folks (i.e. Michael Steele). Surprisingly, he started off well! He goes, "John McCain, the man's family was once one of the largest planters in the South. Code word for: his ole dudes had a bunch of my cousins pickin' cotton." All I could do is laugh at that for it's comedic mix of truth and tremendous historical inaccuracy. What can I say, he ain't a scholar, just my homeboy.

They he says, Uncle Sam! To me, this was interesting, because I could not refute it, but I never see that man anywhere! DO we still use him? I thought to recruit people we just used one of the following pictures:

P.s. The State of Iraq most likely had nothing to do with the events associated with 9/11.

For some reason, it's proven effective. A lot of people have some signed up for war. But, not one b/c of Uncle Sam; consequently, I rudely shouted next! Because, he was beginning to talk nonsense.

Then, this is when a heart attack almost took my young life, he said "the Quaker Oats Man!" The Quaker Oats Man is on everything (is he really) What? Just think about that for one second. The Quaker Oats man. Now, I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure no quaker had that many slaves. I am sure a few had a few, etc..., but the Quakers were an integral part of the Underground Railroad right? I might be wrong, but I am too lazy to look this up. I was so pissed, because I like to give good white people from our country's beginning their credit because there weren't many. You know, like, Abe Lincoln, John Brown, JQ Adams, Abe Lincoln, John Brown... and so forth... Let me know if I'm wrong, because I really went off when he said that dumb shit!.... Excuse my vulgar English, No Parle ANY FLUCKIN FRENCH!


If They Give Obama an Incomplete Coach Won't Let Him President

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Recap - Week of 4/27/09
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisFirst 100 Days


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dope Photo "Shoppage"

I'm usually not one for "photo shoppage" photos, but today I came across quite a clever one!

I really did not want to blog this b/c I personally think the last photo blog is really dope.... But since I did, just scroll down one more post.. I am giving you a dollar if you become a follower just e-mail mailing information to and who you are as a follower!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Detroit is Often the Butt of Jokes!

10. The Detroit-based domestic auto industry has struggled recently, so politicians and broadcasters love to use the euphemism, 'Detroit,' to talk about the industry. "It just seems like it fits."

9. Detroit city employees reported that on May 1,2009, their payroll checks bounced! (I'm serious)

8. Rapper, Yung Berg was robbed in downtown Detroit for his "Transformer" chain, outside a club. It is reportedly worth "$70,000 and rather heavy." Trick Trick, however, said it was "not that sweet and that it's fake."

7. The Crack Heads! While they have meant nothing short of detriment to Detroit, they're funny, what more can I say?

6. On every commercial street in the city there is at least one of these: Liquor Store, Dollar Store, Beauty Supply or Church! Often times all four are present, as well as a gas station.

5. If there was ever going to be a city that would fight with a visiting professional sports team it would be Detroit, fighting none other than Ron Artest and the Indiana Pacers!

4. The most successful rapper from the city is a weird white guy, from a trailer park. That generates particular interest because Detroit is also one of the "blackest" cities in the U.S. Go figure!

3. Detroit is perennially ranked amongst the most dangerous cities in the U.S. and the Western Hemisphere.

2. Detroit's most recently elected mayor, Kwame 'the hip-hop mayor' Kilpatrick, is a felon; consequently, he is now barred from the BAR.

1. The Detroit Lions. In the 2008-2009 season they became the first NFL team, since the expansion, to LOSE EVERY SINGLE GAME. The te
am is now featured in The Hall as the only team to go [n/a-16] ever! (or 0-16)


0. There are hundreds of good things about Detroit, but these are just funnier...
