Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First the Fat Boys Break Up? Now GM Bankrupt!

How did the company that sells Escalades and Hummers go bankrupt?

BECAUSE IT COSTS $120 @$#%^@! dollars to fill op their tanks. GM better get with it or get lost. Although, you have to be a dumb-shit if you get lost in a GM these days; they are all equipped with On-Star.

GM should be pressing the button to the right, right about now, huh?

GM should be a warning to the other motor companies, big is not better. Not for anyone. Not for the environment, not for roads, not for fuel efficiency, and certainly not for cost. The 2009 Escalade is in the upper $70,000. I don't get it USA. Does Europe have to beat us to everything? Just look at some of the top European selling cars, they are all small and fuel efficient. They also cost less than our side airbag systems. Which we would not necessarily need if we didn't have dinosaurs on our streets.

The GM brand's hallmark has been SUVs since SUVs became popular (i.e., Envoy, Suburban, Jimmy {yes, Jimmy}, Trailblazer, etc....), with some Buick/Caddy sedanage on the side. GM is now forced to restructure because the cars stop selling, fuel went up, and the cars are really expensive to make/transport/sit on Lots.

Not actual size!

Here is my tip to GM: Go to every hood and offer Escalades and Suburbans to the heavy drug dealers, in exchange for fifty thousand dollars cash. Don't ask for credit, or even their name. Just move these boys like the coca, they'll sale. Luxury sells itself GM.


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