Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ten Worst Things in Existence

A couple years ago, my friends Jordan and Luke spent the week coming up with certain top 10 lists. Since they have exited from the Top 10 list-creating industry, I thought I would give it a whirl. While watching a fork lift today, I realized how much cool stuff there is in the world. From there I tried to think of the Top 10 Coolest Things in Existance. When that failed, I made this list of the Top 10 Worst Things in Existance.

10) First Class Seating. Because rich people cannot be out of their comfort zone of wealth for more than 3 hours at a time.

9) Blogs in which people update about their days. Because no one really cares. At all.

8) Infomercials at 3 a.m. Because no one really needs a 9 piece knife set that can cut through iron pipes.

7) The 9 piece knife set that can cut through iron pipes. Because of you, half-sleeping individuals know for a fact they are going to need to slice their way out of a metal box one day. See also: super-grinding blender, Tony Little’s Gazelle.

6) Seat belt laws. Because these are in existence as a result of the lack of better judgment of human beings.

5) Whatever the hell this is.

4) The Atomic Bomb. Because America gets what America wants.

3) The Electoral College. Because it doesn’t matter if more people vote for someone, flawed systems are more fun.

2) SUVs. Because no one thought gas prices would rise again.

And the number one worse thing in existence:

1) Fox News. Because not only do they say whatever they want, but people actually believe what they say.
